The Hirslanden AndreasKlinik is reorientating itself. In the future, the musculoskeletal system, including orthopaedics, neurosurgery and spinal surgery will be at the centre of the hospital’s specialised range of services. The AndreasKlinik will also continue to offer a wide range of medical services, such as gynaecology (including breast cancer medicine), urology and general surgery. The reorientation is taking place in cooperation with the Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna in Lucerne and in collaboration with Zuger Kantonsspital. This pioneering move will establish the AndreasKlinik as a supraregional centre of expertise while also strengthening integrated and local care in the canton of Zug.

The Swiss hospital system faces major changes. Stagnating tariffs and rising costs are putting increasing pressure on service providers. The shortage of skilled workers makes matters worse. Outpatient treatment is becoming more prominent and inpatient structures need to be reduced. These developments require operations to be rethought and tasks to be redistributed across nearby hospitals in a more efficient way.

Yvonne Hubeli, Hospital Manager of the Hirslanden AndreasKlinik, says: ‘By focusing on the musculoskeletal system, we are strengthening our most important area of expertise. This focus is the result of close cooperation with the Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna in Lucerne, which is also renowned for the outstanding quality of its orthopaedics, neurosurgery and spinal surgery. At the same time, we are committed to providing regional and integrated care by continuing to offer a wide range of medical services, such as gynaecology including breast cancer medicine, urology and general surgery.’

The range of services offered by the Hirslanden AndreasKlinik will change as of July 2025 as follows:

  • The AndreasKlinik is increasing its specialisation in the musculoskeletal system, including orthopaedics, neurosurgery and spinal surgery, and, in cooperation with the Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna in Lucerne, is becoming a national centre of excellence in these fields. With its state-of-the-art infrastructure and combined expertise, the AndreasKlinik guarantees specialised medicine of the highest quality in the region for the musculoskeletal system.
  • The AndreasKlinik will continue to offer a broad range of services in the interests of integrated and comprehensive regional healthcare (Continuum of Care), working closely with other Hirslanden hospitals and in cooperation with Zuger Kantonsspital.
  • The number of births at the AndreasKlinik has continued to decline in recent years, in line with the general decline in the birth rate in the canton of Zug. The remaining births are already distributed across the various regional maternity clinics both in and outside the canton. The AndreasKlinik will therefore stop offering obstetrics at the end of June 2025.
  • The AndreasKlinik in Ennetsee will provide coordinated emergency care from the beginning of July 2025 with an accident and emergency department open seven days a week to ensure basic care during the day and evening. The new opening hours take into account the fact that the majority of emergencies at the AndreasKlinik now occur during the day. 
  • The future range of services is based on the allocation of services in accordance with current Zug hospital planning (hospital list 2023), which is why the AndreasKlinik has withdrawn the appeal it submitted to the Federal Administrative Court in 2023.

Joint approach by the canton and hospitals

The joint approach of the canton and hospitals strengthens integrated care and ensures cost-effective service provision for all patients in the canton of Zug. The coordinated regional care system takes into account the significant changes in the sector over the last two years and improves on the efficient provision of services. In the canton of Zug, patients are guaranteed access to high-quality healthcare that is provided near to where they live and offers a wide range of services. 

About Hirslanden

Hirslanden is committed to high-quality, responsible, efficient and integrated healthcare, determined by the individual patients themselves. From birth to older age, from prevention to cure – at any time, face-to-face and in digital form – the Hirslanden Group, together with private and public partners, concentrates on the further development of the ‘Continuum of Care’.

Hirslanden differentiates itself from the rest of the market as a service provider with first-class medical care aimed at improving the quality of life of each of its patients – guaranteed by highly qualified independent specialists with years of experience, excellent and attentive nursing care, and outstanding services to provide a high level of comfort in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Interdisciplinary medical centres of expertise, specialised institutes and professional partners provide optimal, personalised diagnosis and treatment of even highly complex cases, on both an inpatient and outpatient basis.

The Hirslanden Group consists of 17 hospitals in 10 cantons, many of which have an accident and emergency department. It also runs 5 outpatient surgery units, 19 radiology institutes and 6 radiotherapy institutes. The Group has 2 651 partner doctors as well as 11 146 employees, 580 of whom are doctors it employs directly. Hirslanden is the largest medical network in Switzerland. As of 31 March 2024, 112 008 patients were treated on an inpatient basis over 446 623 days of care. Of our patients, 52.1 % have basic insurance, 27.3 % have semi-private insurance, and 20.6 % have private insurance. The Hirslanden Group was formed in 1990 following a merger between several hospitals, and is now part of the Mediclinic Group.


Hubeli Yvonne
Yvonne Hubeli
Hospital Manager of the Hirslanden AndreasKlinik