RezumTM therapy is a gentle treatment for treating an enlarged prostate. As part of a minimally invasive intervention using steam, the prostate tissue is broken down and the prostate made smaller. The therapy is used to relieve typical complaints such as an urge to urinate and a weakened urine stream.

RezumTM therapy

RezumTM therapy is a new, gentle method aimed at treating benign prostate enlargement (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia), one of the most common illnesses among men. It affects around 40% of all men over the age of 50. Later in life, the probability of developing the illness increases to 80%. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) results in an increase in the volume of the prostate (gland), which surrounds the urethra underneath the urinary outlet. When the prostate becomes bigger, this constricts the urethra. Typical complaints that result include an increased urge to urinate, a weakened urine stream, night-time visits to the toilet and urine leakage after emptying the bladder.

Visualisation of Rezum therapy

How does the RezumTM treatment work?

The RezumTM treatment involves reducing the size of the prostate using steam. During this minimally invasive intervention, a thin needle is placed in the prostate through the urethra under local anaesthetic. This needle is used to inject steam into the tissue, which causes the prostate tissue to die off. It is then broken down by the body and the prostate becomes smaller. 

What are the advantages of the treatment?

The treatment is carried out through the urethra without any external incision, takes just 5 to 10 minutes and can be performed as an outpatient procedure with just a short stay in hospital. Unlike conventional surgical prostate reduction, erectile dysfunction or continence disorders are rarely observed following this procedure. 

How long does it take for the therapy to take effect?

The treatment begins to work just a short time after the intervention. The patient experiences the full tissue reduction effect after around three months. Until this point, complaints during urination improve significantly. Sometimes, the tissue grows back over time. If this happens, the treatment can be repeated without any issues. 

Who is the RezumTM therapy suited for?

The RezumTM therapy is generally suitable for all patients with a benign prostatic hyperplasia.  In particular, it is a good alternative for patients at risk from a conventional operation or patients who do not tolerate medication well, or on whom it has little effect. 

Which complications can occur?

After treatment, patients may experience light bleeding in the urine along with an increased urge to urinate for a short time. Patients usually consider the side-effects of the intervention as mild and just short-lived. 

How long does recovery take after treatment?

After the intervention, a catheter is inserted into the urethra, which can then be removed as part of an outpatient procedure after two to three days. Patients usually recover from the treatment quickly and can resume normal activities within just a few days.