The Gynaecological Surgery Center takes care of many pathologies explained below.



Fibroids  (benign tumors of the muscle tissue of the uterus). Very common after 40 years in women, they may not give any symptoms, require medical or surgical treatment depending on the case. Depending on your symptoms, your age, the number and size of the fibroid(s), different surgeries may be proposed. If the fibroid is small and in the uterine cavity, an operative hysteroscopy may be done. In other cases, the removal of the fibroid will be done by conventional laparoscopy or robot-assisted. If the size of your fibroid is too large, open-belly surgery still has its place in this case. Finally, depending on your age, a hysterectomy may be proposed to you (removal of the uterus), by the various techniques mentioned above, in order to avoid any recurrence of fibroids and definitively treat the symptoms that may be caused by them (pain, heavy bleeding etc ...).

Polyps of the uterus

Polyps of the uterus are, in most cases, operated by operative hysteroscopy. A hysterectomy may be discussed if the uterus is affected by other associated pathologies.

Pathologies of the cavity of the uterus

Other pathologies of the uterine cavity (malformation, endometrial hyperplasia, retention of placenta after miscarriage or childbirth) may also be operated by hysteroscopy.

Malignant pathologies of the uterus

Malignant pathologies of the uterus such as endometrial cancer (mucosa lining the inside of the uterine cavity) will be operated by conventional laparoscopic route (+/- assisted robot) or laparotomy depending on the development of the disease. The same is true in the management of cervical cancer.

Benign pathologies of the cervix

Benign pathologies of the cervix (dysplasia) are treated by conization (removal of a small part of the cervix, or more depending on your age) vaginally.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are in the vast majority of cases benign and will be operated laparoscopically. A single or bilateral cystectomy (removal of the cyst) or oophorectomy (removal of the ovary) will be discussed depending on your age and the type of cyst. With regard to malignant pathologies (ovarian cancer) the management will be discussed at a multidisciplinary symposium and in case of surgery laparotomy remains the reference technique currently, except in specific cases.

Pathologies of the fallopian tubes

The pathologies of the fallopian tubes will be operated by laparoscopy (cyst, abscess, hydrosalpinx etc ...)


Endometriosis is operated laparoscopically and the surgery performed will depend on the affected organs, the desire for pregnancy or not, the symptoms of the patients. Joint surgery with our digestive surgeon or urologist colleagues will sometimes be necessary when this disease affects organs other than the uterus and appendages (tubes and ovaries).

Genital prolapse

Genital prolapse (descent of organs) associated or not with urinary incontinence, gas or stool incontinence may be operated either laparoscopically, robot-assisted or not, or vaginally in certain specific cases. If urinary incontinence is isolated, surgery will be done vaginally. Joint care with our proctologist colleagues will be done if necessary (pelvic floor center).

Benign or malignant pathologies of the vagina

Also management of benign or malignant pathologies of the vagina or vulva.

Breast pathologies (breast cancer) are treated by gynaecologists, senologists, within the framework of the Breast Center.
