The Centre for Digestive Diseases offers the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies for each specialty

Diagnostic radiology

Clinique des Grangettes | Centre for Digestive Diseases - Diagnostic Radiology

MRI, CT Scan, Ultrasound

Medical imaging is certainly one of the fields of medicine that has progressed the most in the last twenty years. These recent discoveries not only allow a better diagnosis but also offer the possibility of early detection and monitoring of a large part of digestive diseases. Hirslanden Clinique des Grangettes offers a state-of-the-art technical platform for dedicated digestive imaging (MRI, CT, ultrasound etc.) and works with a team of radiologists who are experts in this field.

Interventional radiology

Clinique des Grangettes | Centre for Digestive Diseases - Interventional Radiology

Biopsy, drainage, chemoembolization

Interventional radiology is a diagnostic and therapeutic method called "minimally invasive". It allows access to a tumor target in depth by using the vascular network (arteries or veins) or by choosing a short and safe path through an organ (liver for example). These techniques are always guided by imaging (CT, ultrasound) which allows to see in depth without having to "open" the tissues by conventional surgery. For example, interventional radiology makes it possible to administer high doses of chemotherapy directly into a tumor, to destroy tumor tissue by increasing local temperature and to place prostheses in narrowed or occluded ducts. Equipped with a technical platform inaugurated this year, the Clinique des Grangettes now offers you the opportunity to carry out these interventions on site.



Gastroenterology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, particularly the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas. Digestive diseases represent an important part of internal diseases. They affect 12-20% of the population, depending on the country.

Digestive endoscopy – the gastroenterologist's main diagnostic and therapeutic tool – has developed strongly in recent years. It is currently used to diagnose and treat lesions inside and outside the digestive tract, extract gallstones and prostheses in digestive tumors including esophageal, gastric, colic and pancreatic.

The Centre for Digestive Diseases works closely with two partner gastroenterology centres:

 ● The Centre for Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy located at Hirslanden Clinique La Colline

 ● GGHA Geneva Gastro-enterology & Hepatology Associates SA

Specialized in exploratory techniques in gastroenterology, the doctors of the centers put their skills at your service to offer you the following examinations:

 ● Anorectal manometry
 ● Gastroscopy
 ● Colonoscopy
 ● Esophageal manometry
 ● 24-hour pH-metry impedance
 ● Recto-sigmoidoscopy
 ● Video capsule
 ● Echoendoscopy
 ● ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
● Abdominal ultrasound
● Liver biopsy
● Fibroscan
● Lactose test



There are two main ways to operate on our patients, one being done by conventional open route, by laparotomy and the other being minimally invasive, by laparoscopy or robotic (Da Vinci).

Clinique des Grangettes | Center for Digestive Diseases - Da Vinci


This minimally invasive technique appeared in the 90s and consists of placing in the abdominal wall trocars of 5 to 10 mm that allow surgical instruments and a video camera to pass. The surgeon, who no longer has direct contact with the abdominal cavity, visualizes the abdomen on a screen and acts on the organs with the instruments through the trocars. This technique has greatly developed and the majority of abdominal interventions have become possible with these incisions reduced by 5 to 10 mm. Post-operatively, wall pain is reduced and the resumption of intestinal function is faster compared to conventional open surgery.


The classic technique in abdominal surgery is to incise the abdominal wall and open the abdominal cavity. Surgeons can thus operate inside the abdominal cavity by handling the instruments with their hands. Such an approach requires making an incision of the skin and wall that can range from 5 to 10 cm. Post-operatively, the pain in the wall is controlled by medication and the intestine resumes its function within a few days.


Clinique des Grangettes |  Centre for Digestive Diseases - Radiation Therapy

Curative or palliative

Radiotherapy plays an important role in the management of digestive cancers.

For curative purposes, depending on the location of the tumor and its volume, this technique (often combined with chemotherapy) is proposed before surgery, in order to reduce the tumor volume and thus facilitate the surgical act (cancers of the rectum and esophagus for example).

It is sometimes the exclusive main curative treatment for radiochemotherapy for anal canal cancers, or even for pancreatic cancers.

Radiotherapy remains a therapeutic modality used for many digestive cancers and offers the patient the best oncological result.


Chemotherapy, immunotherapy

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the treatment of cancers, including tumors of the digestive organs (esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, as well as the bile ducts).

There are different kinds of treatments for digestive malignant tumors: first, the so-called "neo-adjuvant" and "adjuvant" treatments that are intended for patients who are going to undergo or have undergone tumor resection surgery. The goal of this type of treatment is to facilitate the removal of the tumor (if it is done before surgery) or to reduce the risk of recurrence (if it is done after surgery).

Then there are so-called "palliative" treatments that are intended for patients with metastatic disease of the digestive organ. The goal of this type of treatment is to stop the evolution of the tumor and therefore prolong the patient's survival, while ensuring that his quality of life is improved.

These treatments are administered in the form of chemotherapy, immunotherapies, as well as targeted therapies. Chemotherapies are active against cancer cells and work by destroying them or stopping their multiplication. The combination of these treatments with chemotherapy reinforces the effects of the latter. Today, there is the possibility of performing molecular biology on cancer cells, which makes it possible to obtain additional information, in order to better target these malignant cells.

The Center for Digestive Diseases has set up multidisciplinary meetings, in which different specialists experienced in the management of patients with digestive tumors participate: oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists, geneticists and nuclear medicine specialists. These multidisciplinary meetings are regularly scheduled, with the aim of reviewing all the examinations carried out and defining the most appropriate care for each patient.



From a few cells or tissue biopsies, taken by the gastroenterologist or radiologist for example, the pathologist's role is to establish the precise diagnosis of a lesion.

The daily integration of molecular biology techniques makes it possible to provide objective prognostic criteria or to detect possible therapeutic targets. Thus, in constant collaboration with the various attending physicians (oncologists, radiotherapists, surgeons, gastroenterologists), the pathologist participates in the development of the treatment so that it is as suitable as possible.

The Clinique des Grangettes also offers continuing care and intensive care services, including anesthesia specialists.