At Hirslanden Clinique des Grangettes, two catheterization rooms, one cardiac and the other hybrid, are accessible to our doctors.

The cardiac catheterization room is a place mainly dedicated to coronary type interventions. Interventional cardiology is a discipline that concerns in particular the management of chambers and vessels of the heart by endovascular, arterial or venous route. Many interventions can be performed, including the dilation of a narrowed vessel or the treatment of arrhythmias. 

The hybrid room, which must comply with stricter standards in terms of air quality control and flows, has greater structural complexity. It is designed to accommodate cardiovascular interventions, combining conventional cardiac and vascular surgeries. This type of room is therefore able to take care of a wider range of pathologies, such as more complex heart rhythm disorders (defibrillator and electrophysiology), vascular pathologies (arterial disease and aneurysm), as well as cases of interventional radiology.

Interventional radiology includes all medical procedures performed by radiologists and allowing the treatment or invasive diagnosis of various pathologies. These procedures are performed under radiological control, which allows the operator to access the lesions located inside the body.

The cardiologists, angiologists, vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists accredited within the Clinic are used to working closely with our nurses, specially trained to act in the catheterization room, allowing us to guarantee adapted and optimal quality treatments for the patients we welcome.

The presence of the intensive care unit on site reinforces the capacity to care for patients with more complex pathologies or admitted in emergency and who may require such care.

These new spaces reinforce the medical expertise of the Clinique des Grangettes and the surgical medical centers of our clinics.

Virtual tour of catheterization rooms