The role of a parent develops through its own experience, during pregnancy, from the birth of the newborn, and then over time.


The arrival of a child can raise a number of questions and perhaps concerns: what will the labour be like, the birth itself, breastfeeding, the cries of the newborn and the return to the home environment. Cecil maternity ward offers you the opportunity to visit a parenting class, either alone or as a couple, to help you through this new stage in your life.

The class is taught by a paediatrician specialising in neonatology and takes a medical look at a range of topics, including your time on the maternity ward, labour and birth, right up to your child’s first few months of life.

This occasion will give you the chance to share experiences, ask questions and gain confidence about your parenting skills.

The class can be held in French or English.

Date and time

Monday from 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm at the Cecil Maternity Ward


Cecil Maternity Ward, Avenue Ruchonnet 53, 1003 Lausanne


Small groups of six couples (priority is given to mothers-to-be planning to give birth at Clinique Cecil)


From the 28th week of pregnancy


Dr Anaïs Torregrossa, specialist in paediatrics, member of the FMH (Swiss Medical Association) and specialist in neonatology


CHF 60 per person

Cecil Maternity Ward
Avenue Ruchonnet 53 1003 Lausanne
+41 21 310 52 22