If you are semi-privately or privately insured, you can enjoy attractive services during your inpatient stay at Hirslanden AndreasKlinik Cham Zug, such as assistance with your journey home.

Taxi Service for Semi-Privately Insured Patients

Semi-privately insured patients enjoy numerous additional benefits with Hirslanden Préférence in medical care, nursing, and hospitality. As part of comprehensive care, semi-privately insured patients also benefit from special services. In collaboration with local taxi companies, we assist with your journey home by contributing CHF 40 towards your transportation costs from the clinic to your destination on the day of departure.


Our Hotel Service/Guest Relations staff will be happy to arrange your taxi either before your admission or during your stay, ideally 24 hours in advance.

Die AndreasKlinik Cham Zug übernimmt 40 CHF der Fahrtkosten an den von Ihnen gewünschten Zielort. Der Gutschein ist ausschliesslich am Heimreisetag gültig. Eine Barauszahlung ist nicht möglich.

Coming Home Service for Privately Insured Patients

Our private patients receive not only top-level medical and nursing care but also comprehensive support. To ensure you return home safely and comfortably after your hospital stay, we offer you our complimentary transportation service. In collaboration with a local limousine service, we accompany you from the clinic to your home. The spacious interior of the limousines provides easy access and a comfortable seating arrangement.


  • Transportation service from the clinic to your destination (up to 25 km)
  • Assistance to your interior living space, if needed
  • Luggage service


Our Hotel Service/Guest Relations staff will be happy to arrange your limousine either before your admission or during your stay, ideally 24 hours in advance.