Pyelitis (pyelonephritis) is a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis. A urinary tract infection or a [bladder infection] is usually responsible for pyelitis. If a lower urinary tract infection goes unnoticed or is does not receive proper treatment, bacteria can spread to the renal pelvis and also infect this area. Pyelitis is treated with antibiotics.

Pyelitis occurs if bacteria spread to the renal pelvis. It can be caused by an untreated or unnoticed bladder or urinary tract infection. In such cases, this is known as a complicated bladder infection. Sometimes a backup of urine; for example, in the case of kidney stones or ureteral stones, is responsible for the occurrence of pyelitis. Women fall ill with pyelitis more often than men because they also suffer from bladder infections more frequently.

Acute pyelitis is characterised by a general feeling of sickness, pain in the area of the kidneys, burning when urinating as well as a high fever and shivering. If there is a concomitant urinary stone, the pain can be colic-like in nature. Sometimes pyelitis can also progress chronically and with less severe symptoms.

Pyelitis is diagnosed on the basis of the patient’s medical history, the symptoms and with a blood and urine examination. In the case of suspected backup of the urine, further examinations such as an ultrasound examination, cystoscopy or x-ray imaging are carried out.

Pyelitis normally heals without sequelae when treated with antibiotics. If pyelitis causes a backup of urine, this must be quickly remedied it can lead to dangerous blood poisoning.