Professeur Etienne Delacrétaz

Spécialiste en
Médecine interne générale
Domaines d’activité
français, allemand, anglais


  • Électrophysiologie
  • Spécialiste en traitement des troubles du rythme

Parcours professionnel

2019 - à ce jour
Lecturer, medical school, university of Fribourg
2015 - à ce jour
Consultant electrophysiologist, Cardiology, Hospital Cantonal Fribourg
2005 - 2013
Head of clinical research, cardiac electrophysiology
Cardiovascular Department, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
2004 - à ce jour
Electrophysiologist in private practice in Lausanne
2001 - 2013
Lecturer, medical school and biomedical science, university of Bern
2001 - 2013
Mentor of MD students (thesis and master)
2001 - 2006
Instructor, medical school, university of Bern
2000 - 2013
Associate Physician in cardiology (2000: Oberarzt, 2005: Leitender Arzt)
Cardiovascular Department, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
1999 - 2000
Associate Physician (Chef de clinique) in cardiology
University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
1997 - 1999
Fellowship in Electrophysiology
Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA
1994 - 1996
Clinical fellowship in Cardiology
Cardiology, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
1993 - 1994
Chief-resident (chef de clinique-adjoint), Internal Medicine
University Hospital Lausanne, Switzerland
1992 - 1993
Research fellowship, Hypertension Division,
University Hospital Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
1990 - 1992
Residency in Medicine
University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland
1988 - 1990
Residency in Medicine
Hospital of Aigle and Morges, Switzerland

Écoles, études et diplômes

2006 - 2013
Associate Professor - University of Bern, Switzerland
2002 - 2006
Assistant Professor, Swiss National Research Foundation and University of Bern
2002 - à ce jour
Privat-Docent - University of Bern, Switzerland
1997 - 1999
Massachussets Limited License
Swiss Board of Cardiology Certificate
Swiss board of Internal Medicine
US National Board of Medical Examiners (US certification)
Medical Degree - University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Informations complémentaires

Exerce à la

Adhésions et partenariats

  • Swiss Medicine Association
  • Swiss Society of Cardiology
  • New England Electrophysiology Society, USA
  • Cardiac Electrophysiology Society, USA
  • Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
  • Heart Rhythm Society

Activités accessoires

Jun 2020 - à ce jour
Groupe de travail électrophysiologie (vice-président)
2017 - à ce jour
Commission tarifaire de la Société suisse de cardiologie (membre)