Professeur Mario Togni

Spécialiste en
allemand, , français, anglais, italien


cardiologie interventionelle

Parcours professionnel

2010 - à ce jour
Professor and Co-chairman Cardiology, Fribourg University Medical Center
2008 - Mar 2010
Consultant Physician invasive Cardiology, Fribourg State Hospital, Prof. Dr. med. J.-C. Stauffer
2004 - Sep 2010
Co-director invasive Cardiology, Schweizerisches Herz und Gefässzentrum Bern, Universitäts- (Insel-)spital Bern, Prof. Dr. med. B. Meier
2001 - 2004
Attending Physician Invasive Cardiology, Schweizerisches Herz- und Gefässzentrum Bern, Universitäts- (Insel-)spital Bern, Prof. Dr. med. B. Meier
1999 - 2001
Research and Clinical Fellow Cardiology, University of California, San Diego, Prof. Dr. med. A.N. DeMaria
1998 - 1999
Fellow Cardiology, University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. med. T.F. Lüscher
Attending Physician, Internal Medicine, University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. med. A. Schaffner, Prof. Dr. med. F. Follath
1994 - 1996
Resident Internal Medicine, University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. med. F. Follath
Resident Surgery, Triemli Spital, Zürich, Prof. Dr. med. U. Metzger
1991 - 1992
Resident Internal Medicine, Spital Wädenswil, Dr. med. P. Möhr

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