vivévis Hirslanden Klinik Im Park
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vivévis Klinik Hirslanden
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Klinik Hirslanden
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Hirslanden Klinik Im Park
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Publications & videos
Indikationen und Grenzen der Leberchirurgie
The evolution of surgery for colorectal liver metastases
Perioperative omega-3 fatty acids fail to confer protection
Exercise Improves Outcomes of Surgery on Fatty Liver in Mice
Dealing with insufficient liver remnant
Risk Adjustment in ALPPS
Potentially inappropriate liver transplantation
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Fatty and Lean Mouse Livers
Two-Stage Liver Surgery with Portal Vein Occlusion
How much liver needs to be transected in ALPPS?
The ALPPS Risk Score - Avoiding Futile Use of ALPPS