We use the so-called Net Promoter Score (NPS) to regularly measure how likely our patients and customers are to recommend Hirslanden to others. Our results are outstanding throughout the Group.

Our vision is to be the partner of choice that people trust with their health and well-being. To achieve this, we have introduced the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This is an internationally used indicator to measure the customer experiences.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the recommendation rate by asking how likely it is that our customers and patients will recommend Hirslanden to a friend or colleague. The indicator reflects the satisfaction, loyalty and retention of customers. It describes the ratio between customers with a positive opinion who would recommend Hirslanden to others (promoters) and customers with a negative opinion who are more critical of Hirslanden.

Understanding the Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score asks the question «How likely is it that you would recommend Hirslanden to a friend or colleague?», which patients and customers rate on a scale of 0 to 10:

  • Scores from 9 to 10: positive patients and customers (promoters) who recommend Hirslanden to others
  • Scores from 7 to 8: passive patients and customers who are satisfied but do not actively recommend Hirslanden to others
  • Scores from 0 to 6: dissatisfied patients and customers (critics) who would not recommend Hirslanden to others


Net Promoter Score

How is the Net Promoter Score determined?

To calculate the Net Promoter Score, the percentage of critical respondents is subtracted from the percentage of promoters. Assuming 80% of respondents are promoters and 10% are critical respondents, the NPS score is 70. A score of 0-30 is considered good, 31-70 is considered great and 71-100 is considered outstanding/excellent.

The Hirslanden Group generally aspires to achieve a value of 70+. In 2024, we achived this target across the Group. We are proud of this outstanding result, as we attach great importance to guaranteeing quality.