We are always happy to help.


Christine Wenger

Christine Wenger, BSc BFH

Nutritional Advice Manager


Christina Kamber, BSc BFH

Deputy Nutritional Advice Manager/Nutritionist SVDE


Fabienne Serena, BSc BFH

Deputy Nutritional Advice Manager/Nutritionist SVDE

Lea klein_384x384

Lea Fleury, BSc BFH

Isabelle Bott, BSc BFH

Nutritionist SVDE


Barbara Köhli

Graduate Nutritionist HF

Nadja Müller, BSc BFH

Nutritionist SVDE


Jürg Stockar, BSc SUPSI

Nutritionist SVDE

Lia Walser, BSc BFH

Nutritionist SVDE


Corinne Wermelinger

Graduate Nutritionist HF

Education and qualification

The nutritionists at Hirslanden Bern have completed basic education in nutrition and dietetics at a university of applied sciences or at an advanced vocational college in Switzerland. The official academic title has been “Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics” for several years. They are committed to regular training and compliance with the ethical principles laid down in the professional code and therefore recognised by basic insurance from the health insurance companies.

Regular training and compliance with the professional code are verified by the Swiss Association of Registered Dieticians (SVDE). SVDE members are entitled to hold the protected title “Nutritionist SVDE”. This stands for serious, scientifically sound and practically proven nutritional and therapeutic services.