During your stay: we will be at your side throughout the birth.

Giving birth is probably one of the most significant experiences in a woman's life. However, childbirth can be an intense time, which is why the Clinique Cecil offers you an environment and support tailored to your needs so that you feel safe, understood and in good hands until the moment your baby is born and you can hold them in your arms.

A medical team on hand to meet your needs

You will be greeted by a midwife who will carry out initial checks and monitor your contractions and your baby’s heartbeat. A consultation will be carried out to assess the stage of your labour, and you will be taken to a patient room or the examination room. Your midwife will accompany you and give you all the information you need. They will continue to monitor you and your baby, while remaining in contact with your gynaecologist.

At the Clinique Cecil maternity ward, we are committed to including you in all decisions and respecting your choices. Our midwives are on hand to help you through this big change in your life. You can tell us about your birth plan in a prenatal interview, and we will endeavour to respect it as far as possible.

A team on hand before, during and after the birth

Your stay on the maternity ward will last around four to five days after a natural birth, and five to six days after a caesarean section. During this time, you can rest and look after your baby at your own pace. The nursery will be available for the nurses to look after your baby while you rest and make sure you can recuperate until it is time to leave. The entire team at the maternity ward will provide you with support and assistance as you learn to care for your child’s daily needs so that you can return home with peace of mind.

As a rule, your gynaecologist will visit you once a day in the maternity ward for a consultation and will monitor you throughout your stay – before, during and after the birth. In collaboration with the nursing staff, your gynaecologist will plan the next stage of your care and answer any questions you may have.

To make your stay on the maternity ward even more enjoyable, we would like to offer you a selection of gifts to celebrate the birth of your child.

Parent's rooms

Because the first few days after the birth of a child are hugely important for both parents, the Hirslanden Clinique Cecil maternity ward offers parents' rooms so the family can be together right from the start.


You are free to receive visitors during your stay in the maternity ward, and our team of midwives will be happy to adapt to your needs.

In two-bed rooms, we ask that you respect the peace and privacy of your neighbour. The nursery will be happy to take care of your baby if you need more rest. The Clinique Cecil car park is free for your partner.

If you do not wish to receive visitors or telephone calls, please inform reception.

If you would like to share a meal with a visitor, simply inform the hospitality personnel the day before.

The private patient coordinator is the first point of contact for patients with private insurance. The coordinator will be on hand to help you settle into your room, answer any questions you may have and, if you wish, organise a visit to the clinic's own hairdresser or beautician. Coordinators are available Mondays to Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm on 021 310 50 62.

Choice of paediatrician

During your stay on the maternity ward, your child will be examined by a paediatrician within 24 hours of birth and on the day of your discharge. You will need to choose a paediatrician for this purpose, and we recommend choosing one close to your home. If this paediatrician is included in the on-call list, they will be responsible for your child’s care. If not, responsibility will fall to the paediatrician on duty that day.

Pain management during childbirth

Whether a caesarean has been scheduled or is performed as an emergency, the midwife will stay with you throughout the procedure. Your baby will also stay with you throughout, and you will be reunited as soon as you have been transferred to the recovery room so that you can enjoy this time with your newborn. Skin-to-skin sessions are planned in the same way as for a natural birth to help with the bonding process.

Caesarean section

Whether a caesarean has been scheduled or is performed as an emergency, the midwife will stay with you throughout the procedure. Your baby will also stay with you throughout, and you will be reunited as soon as you have been transferred to the recovery room so that you can enjoy this time with your newborn. Skin-to-skin sessions are planned in the same way as for a natural birth to help with the bonding process.

Medical pain relief

Non-invasive pain relief is provided by your midwife and obstetrician. This includes complementary medicine, pain medication, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), relaxation and self-hypnosis.

If you would like an epidural, an anaesthetist is available 24 hours a day at Clinique Cecil.

Before administering the epidural, the anaesthetist will make sure that there are no contraindications and answer any questions you may have.

Once the epidural catheter is in place, your anaesthetist will talk about how the medication is to be administered. There are various possibilities, and they will suggest the most appropriate solution depending on the stage of your labour, your wishes and the intensity of your pain.

The anaesthetist will be available during your labour and up until the birth of your child if needed.

Alternative pain relief

Relaxation and coaching sessions are offered throughout your stay, and particularly during childbirth, to help you manage the pain and stress that can occur.

After the delivery

The same team of midwives will take care of you and your newborn after the birth, guaranteeing you a lasting relationship of trust and continuity of care. The team will support you as you take your first steps as a mother, demonstrating baby carrying techniques and helping you with breastfeeding if you plan to do so. You can also benefit from personal follow-up physiotherapy sessions for an introduction to postnatal exercises and osteopathy on request at the clinic. You will receive a visit from a physiotherapist... And benefit from an osteopathy session on request.

Your gifts

To make your stay at the maternity ward even more special, we would like to offer you a couple of gifts to celebrate the birth of your child:

Meal for two

We invite new parents to enjoy a meal for two in our Grand Salon. You can benefit from this offer at lunchtime or dinner time on any day, except for Saturday and Sunday evenings.

Mum’s breakfast

During your stay, you can enjoy a Mum’s breakfast held every Tuesday morning in the Grand Salon of Clinique Cecil. This event is accompanied by a midwife or nurse.

Dad’s muesli

We offer breakfast for Dad (or a companion of your choice) every morning from 7 am to 10 am during your stay. What’s more, the Clinique Cecil car park is free for your partner.

Changing bag and welcome set

We will present you with a changing bag, a Louis Widmer care set and a surprise gift.

Birth announcement

We will offer you the possibility of publishing a photo of your baby on our website to share your happy event.

Photo portrait

We will be delighted to take a picture of your child at birth, and will send you the photograph by post in the following weeks.

First aid for small children

We offer first-aid classes for small children.

Parking and transport

The Clinique Cecil car park is free for your partner. If you have private insurance, we will take care of your trip home on the day of your departure free of charge.

Soins Clarins treatment

We will give you a Clarins treatment when you register for the maternity ward.

Cecil Maternity Ward
Avenue Ruchonnet 53 1003 Lausanne
+41 21 310 52 22