In Switzerland, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. One in ten men will be affected during their lifetimes. This represents around 6,100 new cases recorded each year. However, this type of cancer isn’t a death sentence. In fact, thanks to diagnostic methods and effective treatments, it is the most easily treatable cancer. The prostate (prostate gland) is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. This gland produces a secretion that mixes with sperm and is expelled during ejaculation. The volume of the prostate often increases with age. This benign prostate volume increase triggers problems similar to those of prostate cancer, but should not be confused with it.


The risk factors for prostate cancer are multiple: primarily age, but also family and genetic predisposition or even dietary habits. Consumption of red meat and animal fats appears to increase the risk.  In contrast, the consumption of tomatoes and soy has protective effects. Sexual activity, exercise and weight also appear to play a role in the onset of the disease, although this has not been confirmed by any scientific studies.

Vue en coupe d'une prostate

Prostate cross-section


Prostate cancer progresses slowly and asymptomatically. The following symptoms may potentially appear: weak urine stream, more frequent desire to urinate or pain during urination. Very often, these problems are simply due to a benign increase in prostate volume.


Although screening for prostate cancer is not mandatory, it is recommended from the age of 50. Is the patient suffering from urinary or erectile problems? This discussion is often a good starting point for working out a follow-up over time. In the event of genetic predisposition or a brother or father with a history of the disease, specialists recommend that check-ups start at the age of 45.

Centre de la prostate Lausanne - Clinique Bois-Cerf