Dr. med. Alexandro Antonio Pellegrino
- Specialist in
Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology - Languages
- German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Core competencies
Foot & Ankle Surgery:
- Minimal-Invasive Foot Surgery
- Arthroscopic Ankle Surgery including Band-Repair
- Tendoscopic Surgery Peroneal Tendons
- Achilles Tendon
- Hindfoot- and Total Ankle Reconstruction
Professional career
- 2013
- Consultant for Foot & Ankle Surgery in FussZentrum Hirslanden Klinik, Zürich
- 2006
- ETZELCLINIC, Center for Minimally-Invasive Surgery, 8808 Pfaeffikon (SZ)
Chief Consultant for Foot & Ankle Surgery
Board of Directors, etzelclinic AG
Consultant for Foot & Ankle Surgery in following Hospitals:
FussZentrum Hirslanden Klinik, Zürich
Klinik Im Park, Zürich
Spital Lachen (SZ) - 2005 - 2006
- International Fellowships (Foot & Ankle Surgery)
Dr. M. De Prado, MIS-Foot Surgery, USP Hospital San Carlos, Murcia (ESP)
Prof. Dr. P. Golano and Dr. R. Viladot, Laboratorio de Anatomia Artroscopica Universitat Barcelona and Hospital San Rafael, Barcelona (ESP)
Dr. St. Guillo + C. Delavigne, Clinique du Sport Merignac - Bordeaux (FRA)
Dr. St. Isham MD, Foot & Ankle Surgery Center, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (USA)
Prof. Dr. N. Van Dijk, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam (NL)
Dr. O. Laffenetre, Hôpital Pellegrin-Tripode, University of Bordeaux (FRA - 2002 - 2006
- Senior doctor for Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, District Hospital of Lachen, Switzerland
- 2000 - 2001
- Senior doctor for Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, District Hospital of Locarno
- 1998 - 1999
- Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery, District Hospital of Locarno, Switzerland
- 1995 - 1998
- General Surgery and Traumatology (including Intensive Care Unit), Cantonal Hospital of Winterthur, Switzerland
- 1993 - 1995
- General Surgery, District Hospital of Männedorf, Switzerland
Schools, university & degrees and diplomas
- 2000
- Specialist in Surgery and Traumatology FMH, Switzerland
- 1994
- Doctor degree, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- 1985 - 1992
- Medical School, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Further information
Academic Activity
- 2017 August: 2nd Swiss MIS CadLab Footsurgery, Bern (CH), STAR Ankle Replacement Cadaver Workshop Bern (CH) - Director/Faculty/Instructor
- 2017 June: GRECMIP Label Course, Madrid (ESP), Basic Course of Foot & Ankle MIS, 10th International Advanced Course of Foot & Ankle MIS - Faculty/Instructor
- 2016 November: GRECMIP Label Course, München (D), MIS Basic Footsurgery Course and Workshop - Faculty/Instructor
- 2016 September: GRECMIP Label Course, Innsbruck (A), Basic Course of Foot & Ankle MIS - Faculty/Speaker
- 2016 September: Foot & Ankle Symposium, FussInstitut,, Hirslanden Professional, Zürich (CH), Arthroscopic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction - Faculty/Speaker
- 2016 August: 1st Swiss MIS Training CadLab, Bern (CH) - Director
- 2016 March: GRECMIP Label Course, München (D), Advanced Arthroscopic Ankle and Achilles Tendon Course & MIS Basic Footsurgery Course and Workshop, Faculty/ Instructor
- 2014: SFAS Annual-Meeting, Lausanne (CH), MIS-Hallux valgus Surgery: Technique – Tips - Pitfalls - Faculty/Speaker
- 2013: 5th International Foot & Ankle Mini-invasive Surgery Course, Barcelona (ESP) - Faculty/Speaker
- 2012: 4th International Congress of Mini-Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery, Barcelona - Faculty/Speaker
- 2011: Practical Courses an Wetlab, Techniques in Mini-Invasive Foot Surgery Universität Barcelona - Dozent
- 2009: 2nd International Congress of Mini-Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery, Murcia, Spanien - Moderation
Minimal-Invasive Percutaneous Surgery in Morton-Neuroma: 1 Vortrag - 2004: Bieler Fortbildungstage SGAUC mit der SGTV: 1 Vortrag
- 2003: SGC-Jahreskongress in Interlaken: 1 Poster
- 2001: SGC-Jahreskongress in Luzern: 2 Poster
- 2000: SGC-Jahreskongress in Zürich: 1 Poster
SGC-Jahreskongress in Zürich: Freie Mitteilung - 1999: SGC-Jahreskongress in Lugano: Freie Mitteilung
- 1997: “Syndrome d’hyperpression du poignet après fracture du radius distale ou de l’avant-bras traité par ostéotomie de raccourcissement de l’ulna”. Ann Chir Main
- 1994: Prognostische Faktoren bei zentraler seröser Chorioretinopathie, Universität Zürich: Inaugural-Dissertation
Practices at
Hirslanden Klinik Im Park
Partner doctor -
Klinik Hirslanden