
Ear, nose, throat and plastic surgery centre
+41 44 387 28 02

Professional career

2010 - to date
Work in ORL Centrum Hirslanden Zurich
Work in ORL practice Health Center Sihlcity Zurich
2005 - 2008
Senior Consultant, Clinic for Ear, Nose and Facial surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, Prof. Dr. St. Schmid and Prof. Dr. R. Probst
Senior Consultant, ORL City Hospital Triemli Zurich
2000 - 2003
Specialist medical training, Clinic for Ear, Nose, Throat and Face Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, Chief Consultant Prof. Dr. St. Schmid
1998 - 1999
Resident, General Surgery, Hospital Uster, Chief Consultant PD Dr. G.A. Melcher

Schools, university & degrees and diplomas

Specialist Swiss Medical Association for Otorhinolaryngology
Dissertation "For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis: morbidity and long-term course", PD Dr. med. M. von Flüe, Chief Consultant of Visceral Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne
State examination with Swiss Medical Diploma, Faculty of Medicine, Unitersity of Basel


Ear, nose, throat and plastic surgery centre
+41 44 387 28 02

Memberships and partnerships

FMH, Swiss Medical Association
Swiss ORL Society
Zurich ORL Society

Publications & videos

Events & lectures