I’m a family person.


"I’ve never regretted becoming an anaesthetist for a single day."

Why did you become an anaesthetist?

During my civilian service in the emergency rescue service, I discovered my interest in medicine. Anaesthesia is an important specialisation in emergency medicine and had fascinated me for a long time, which is why I decided to become an anaesthetist. As an anaesthetist and intensive care specialist, life-threatening processes in the body are identified and treated by specifically administering certain drugs.

What do you like about your work and what motivates you each day?

Teamwork is what makes anaesthesia and surgery in general so exciting. Nowhere else are so many people looking after one patient. Smooth collaboration is the key to good quality. It is a source of motivation for me every day and fulfils me in my day-to-day work at Bellaria.

What do you like most about your profession?

The best thing about anaesthesia is that it is needed in many different areas, so it offers a lot of variety. Throughout my career, I’ve worked a lot in emergency and intensive care medicine and have also devoted many years to paediatric anaesthesia. Now a new chapter has begun at Bellaria, with new challenges that I’m looking forward to. I’ve never regretted becoming an anaesthetist for a single day.

What do you like about the work environment at the outpatient Bellaria Surgical Centre?

At Bellaria, I work as part of a small, highly motivated team. I find it very satisfying to offer our patients a level of quality they experience directly. The satisfaction and positive feedback from patients is what motivates me. As a patient myself, I’ve had two outpatient procedures, which was a very positive experience.