Après votre séjour : entre émotions fortes, joies et doutes, nous sommes toujours là pour vous.

The beginning of a new life

Your baby is here, you’re getting to know each other and taking your first steps as a mother. You will soon be embarking on your new life back at home with your newborn. The date of your departure will be agreed with your gynaecologist and paediatrician.

However, it is not always as simple as you might think. The postpartum period is certainly full of joys, but every woman is different and a mother can also experience moments of doubt when she needs someone to listen to and support her. Nine months of pregnancy is a long time, and within a few days of giving birth, your body and your life will seem to have been turned upside down. This is perfectly normal. We will continue to be here for you, even after you leave the maternity ward.

Before you leave, a postnatal consultation is organised with a member of the nursery staff. They will give you various administrative documents, but will also answer any questions you may have about the postpartum period and listen to your fears and concerns following the birth. This certainly will not be the last time we speak to each other, though – your midwife will also give you a telephone number to contact the team that accompanied you during your stay. We will be happy to answer all your questions. We will be there for you every step of the way.

A midwife at home

You might have already organised your postnatal care with a midwife. If not, do not worry – you can leave it to us to organise a home visit by an independent midwife. We will pass on your information so the midwife can provide you with the best possible support. They will help you during your first days at home in caring for your newborn in this new environment, in breastfeeding if you so choose, and in returning to everyday life. You will also find them at the practice for postnatal exercises to help restore your pelvic floor. They will be there for you and will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, whether about your health or your baby's.

Baby massage classes

From six weeks after the birth, you can attend baby massage classes with your baby to stimulate their awareness and promote their well-being. This is a time for sharing an experience and bonding with your child, and a chance for you to tell us about any questions you may have concerning the postpartum period.

Your gifts

Once your stay on the maternity ward is over, you will leave the maternity ward with a selection of gifts from Clinique Cecil to care for you and your baby:

  • A Clarins treatment for you to pamper yourself, free with your maternity registration
  • A changing bag, a Louis Widmer care set and a surprise gift
  • The possibility of publishing a photo of your baby in the Baby Gallery on our website
  • A framed portrait photo of your child, which you will receive at home a few weeks later
  • First-aid classes for small children

If you have private insurance, we will take care of your trip home on the day of your departure free of charge.

And don’t forget... We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer your questions on 021 310 51 80.

Cecil Maternity Ward
Avenue Ruchonnet 53 1003 Lausanne
+41 21 310 52 22