Gynaecological dysplasias are cell changes that can occur in women on the cervix (neck of the womb), in the vagina or in the area of the external genitals (vulva, perineal and perianal region). These can range from mild to severe precancerous lesions.

For patients with a conspicuous Pap smear in the course of a gynaecological screening, skin changes or mucous membrane changes of the vagina or vulva, a dysplasia consultation is recommended to clarify the findings.
During the dysplasia consultation a thorough gynaecological examination is performed. The skin and mucous membrane are closely examined under a magnifying glass (colposcopy) and, if necessary, small tissue samples are taken for examination in the pathology laboratory.
Afterwards you will receive a comprehensive consultation about the current findings, preventive measures (e.g. HPV vaccination) and your treatment options.

Head of DKG certified dysplasia clinic

Dr. med. Kristina Bolten

Chief physician

Goethestrasse 24 | 3rd floor
8001 Zürich-Stadelhofen