Our team consists of a large number of specialists in the core area of breast diseases, which enables us to offer a comprehensive range of services from early detection to the treatment of breast diseases. Get to know our specialists in Bern and Biel.

Core team

Bern location


Dr. med. Ruth Gräter

Specialist in radio-oncology

Dr. med. Markus Notter

Specialist in radio-oncology/radiation therapy


Dr. med. Barbara Berger

Specialist in pathology

PD Dr. med. Meike Körner

Specialist in pathology

Dr. med. Christof Scheidegger

Specialist in pathology

Dr. med. Svenja Thies

Specialist in pathology


Sabine Rommerskirchen

Sabine Rommerskirchen

Silvia Andrist

Silvia Andrist

Clinical Research Coordinator

Vanessa Lesser

Nicole Küng

Nicole Küng

Medical Practice Coordinator

Biel location


Dr. med. Barbara Berger

Specialist in pathology

PD Dr. med. Meike Körner

Specialist in pathology

Dr. med. Christof Scheidegger

Specialist in pathology

Dr. med. Svenja Thies

Specialist in pathology


Sabine Rommerskirchen

Sabine Rommerskirchen

Silvia Andrist

Silvia Andrist

Clinical Research Coordinator

Vanessa Lesser

Other members of the Breast Centre

Bern location



Inpatient care is provided by the Physiotherapy unit of Salem-Spital. Outpatients are expertly cared for by a medically trained team at our physiotherapy service partner Physio Sternen.


Sarah Berger

Dr. med. Sarah Berger Braun

Specialist in general internal medicine and

Anthroposophically Advanced Medicine VAOAS
Psycho-oncological consultant SGPO

Biel location



Outpatients are expertly cared for by a medically trained team in the Physiotherapy unit of Klinik Linde.


The Privatklinik Wyss Outpatient Service at Hirslanden Klinik Linde in Biel is situated in a quiet, verdant residential district which is close to the city centre, yet well removed from through traffic.

Ambulante Dienste Biel
Dählenweg 6
2503 Biel

Tel.: +41 32 365 96 70

E-Mail: ambi.biel@privatklinik-wyss.ch