Brochure outpatient postnatal care (in German)
11.07.2023 | PDF | 265.23 KB
The first time at home is exciting and you have to get used to many new things. We would like to provide you with optimal support during this time as well and therefore offer you a comprehensive outpatient service.
If you wish, an outpatient midwife will visit you at home and support you in your new role as a mother. Make sure to organise outpatient midwife care before the birth. To do so, please telephone Sylvia Hunt and Irene Venier on +41 79 819 32 85.
We offer outpatient consultations until the third week after delivery to discuss all your questions and concerns about your baby. Please make your appointment by calling +41 44 209 21 30.
Following discharge, our breastfeeding counsellors are also available to provide advice at outpatient consultations from Monday to Friday. Please call +41 44 209 23 00 if you wish to make an outpatient appointment for advice on breastfeeding.
You can find more information in our "Outpatient postpartum care" (in German) brochure (in German).