24h Orthopaedic Emergency Departement Announce your arrival in advance on the following number: T +41 61 335 22 22. It is preferable to warn us of your arrival in advance by telephone so that your wait is as short as possible.
What is the service?
The 24-hour admissions service at the Clinique Birshof, with its ultramodern equipment specially designed for orthopaedic and traumatology emergencies, operates around the clock.
Who provides the service?
A team of specialists (specialist doctors, interns, qualified nursing staff) provide first aid quickly and expertly at any time of day or night.
Where is the centre?
The buildings of the admissions service are in the new premises of the clinic and are directly accessible by means of a lift located next to the main entrance.
For whom is treatment intended?
In principle, our 24-hour admissions service is open to all insurance categories. However, it should be noted that we do not accept very young children and that children should be at least 16 years old.
What to do in an emergency
In theory, your attending physician is capable of treating all emergencies. He is familiar with your medical file and decides if a prolonged course of treatment in a clinic is necessary, as well as the dates that this should be undertaken.
If you cannot reach your doctor, you can take advantage of the admissions service of the Birshof Clinic. It specialises in orthopaedic and traumatology emergencies; it is advisable to warn us of your arrival in advance by telephone on: +41 61 335 22 22. One of our on-call emergency doctors will take your call and explain the procedure to follow.
In extreme emergencies, call 144
If there is a risk of death, you can call 144 (official emergency number) at any time to request professional help. At your request, and following a medical examination concerning an orthopaedic or traumatology injury, you will be admitted to the Birshof Clinic.
Non life-threatening emergencies
We are available round the clock on 0848 333 999 for non-life threatening emergencies and will provide an optimal referral service to our specialists. If you prefer to use a chat function, you can now also use our Hirslanden app.