The first hours and days after the birth are fulfilling, but also challenging and intense. In addition to processing the birth, new parents are filled with pride, gratitude and joy. But not infrequently they also experience insecurity and exhaustion, which is absolutely normal. Our midwives and nurses are happy to be by your side if needed, but also give you your desired freedom whenever you need it.
After the birth, you will spend the first two or three hours with your newborn in the birthing room. You will be cared for and supervised by our midwives. The baby is usually placed on the mother's chest shortly after birth to stimulate milk production. Breastfeeding a newborn often takes a lot of patience and practice. Sometimes breastfeeding doesn't work right away. Then there is the possibility of pumping off breast milk to stimulate milk production or to spare sensitive nipples a little.
Our nurses are trained in breastfeeding. From Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 15:00 there is also a certified IBLCL breastfeeding counsellor at the hospital who will be happy to answer your questions and support you. If you can't or don't want to breastfeed your child, that's absolutely fine too.
Of course you want to share the joy of having a new baby – your visitors are welcome
The visiting hours for two-bed rooms are from 2:00 to 20:00. Visitors are also welcome to see patients in single rooms at lunchtime or in the evening.
Your postpartum care
Klinik Hirslanden Zurich is characterised by first-class care, a modern infrastructure and a wide range of offers. Below you will find an overview of our various offers.
- Maternity unit
- Different room types
- Versatile menu
- Doctors' visits during the postpartum period
- Neonatal care
- Outpatient postpartum visits during our midwife consultation hours
- Complementary Medicine Massages in the Postpartum Period
- Outpatient breastfeeding counselling after your hospital stay
- Personal follow-up discussion after childbirth
Maternity unit
Your home for the next few days
After two to three hours, you will be transferred to your room on the postpartum ward. In cosy and comfortable surroundings, you have enough time to give your body a rest and settle into your new life with your baby. On the postpartum ward our nurses will introduce you to infant care. We prepare you optimally for the weeks and months ahead at home.
Different room types
A modern and cosy setting awaits you on the postpartum ward
At our maternity unit, we offer privately insured patients a spacious single room. It is ideally suited for families who would like to start the new phase of their lives together. No prior registration is necessary.
With semi-private insurance you can also enjoy the privacy of a single room. Learn more about the upgrade options.
Maternity patients with general insurance spend their postpartum stay in a double room.
Versatile menu
We take care of your culinary well-being
The initial period after giving birth is a beautiful time but also demanding. We offer balanced and healthy meals during your stay. Our hotel service staff will be happy to advise you. Here you can find out more about our hospitality facilities and services (in German).
Doctors' visits during the postpartum period
Our doctors will visit you on a regular basis
To guarantee your health and well-being, the doctor who managed your birth will visit you in your room every day. This doctor is in close contact with the nursing staff and will answer your questions at any time. The paediatrician also visits the maternity ward every day during your stay. Get to know our team.
Neonatal care
Our paediatricians look after your baby around the clock
If your newborn needs special medical care or monitoring, our paediatrician and specialist nurses will provide optimal care around the clock, 24 hours a day. We also have paediatricians who specialise in neonatology and intensive care medicine or paediatric surgery specialists. In addition, our paediatricians have training in ultrasound diagnostics.
Monitoring room for newborns
Klinik Hirslanden has a monitoring room for newborns so babies with special requirements can be monitored and supported separately. Our doctors for paediatrics and neonatology can care for newborns from the 35th (0/7) week of pregnancy. Every birth and the development of the newborn baby differ. Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are described as being premature. Even when premature babies are perfectly healthy, some show signs of immaturity from being born too early and need our help to get their life off to a good start.
Well-established cooperation with the Children's Hospital Zurich
In the event of serious neonatal issues, such as severe breathing problems, persistent hypoglycaemia, bacterial infections or major malformations which were not known in advance, we refer infants to the Children's Hospital Zurich.
Learn more about our neonatal care.
Outpatient postpartum visits during our midwife consultation hours
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.00 – 16.00 Uhr
After your stay in hospital, your health insurance will cover ten postpartum visits after a spontaneous birth and up to sixteen postpartum visits after a caesarean section. This offer is valid for up to 56 days after the birth. You are entitled to three additional breastfeeding consultations during the breastfeeding period. Outpatient postpartum care is offered by freelance midwives.
If you have not been able to organise outpatient postpartum care at home, you are welcome to register with us for an outpatient visit during the midwife consultation.
Topics related to the postpartum period
- Monitoring of the postpartum process
- Checking for wound healing in the case of perineal injuries
- Check-up six weeks after the birth
- General advice on any postpartum issues
- Checking your child's navel
- Checking your child's weight
- Advice on caring for and feeding your baby
- Advice on breastfeeding problems
- Bilirubin checks for newborns
- Personal follow-up discussion after the birth
Contact for midwife consultations
We look forward to seeing you. A copy of the current list of our freelance midwives is provided in your information pack, or you can obtain it on request.
Further information
Further information about outpatient postpartum care is available at the following links:
Further information about our wide range of courses is available here.
Complementary Medicine Massages in the Postpartum Period
JIVITA "Complementary Medicine Massages in the Postpartum Period" Medical massages for the abdomen, head, neck, and feet for patients in the postpartum period.
Positive Effects of the Treatments for Mothers:
- Uterine involution
- Stimulation of milk production
- Improved sleep
- Reduction of stress and anxiety in the postpartum period
The service can be booked on-site and at short notice, depending on need.
Pricing model:
- Privately insured: 60 minutes free of charge
- Semi-privately insured: 30 minutes free of charge
- General insurance: self-pay service at CHF 120 per 30 minutes
Outpatient breastfeeding counselling after your hospital stay
Tuesdays and Thursdays or by individual arrangement
You are entitled to three additional breastfeeding consultations during the breastfeeding period. After your stay in hospital, you can receive support from an IBLCL-certified breastfeeding counsellor. Women who did not give birth at Klinik Hirslanden in Zurich can also register for outpatient breastfeeding counselling.
Topics for outpatient breastfeeding counselling
- Support with breastfeeding and breastfeeding issues
- Outpatient laser therapy for sore nipples
- Information on breastfeeding and working
- Support during the weaning phase
Contact for breastfeeding counselling and appointments
Monday to Friday, 8.00 - 16.00 Uhr on +41 44 387 33 86
Personal follow-up discussion after childbirth
The birth experience can impact on the general well-being of the young family, the developing parent-child relationship and the experience of further births. There are many changes associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the transition to parenthood. It is important to our midwives that you receive support during this phase as well.
With the offer of a postnatal consultation, we would like to give you a safe space to talk about your birth experience and ask any outstanding questions.
If you feel the need to talk to a midwife about your birth experience, you can contact us at any time by phone on +41 44 387 35 69 or by e-mail to make an appointment.