Even active people who have a healthy diet and exercise a lot can have too high cholesterol levels (= too high LDL cholesterol levels). The so-called «familial hypercholesterolaemia» is genetically determined. In Switzerland, 1 in 200 people are affected. Only 10% of those affected know about it. If the cholesterol levels are not treated, the risk of coronary heart disease, a heart attack or a stroke increases significantly.

With the help of this questionnaire, it is possible to determine whether you show indications of a hereditary form of hypercholesterolaemia.

Answer the following questions and count the answer with the highest score for each group of answers.

1. Family history

(The answer with the highest score counts)

Are there any first-degree relatives in your family with known premature coronary heart disease (CHD) (men <55 years; women <60 years)?1 point
Are there any first-degree relatives in your family with too high levels of cholesterol?1 point
Are there any first-degree relatives in your family who have deposits under the skin or around the eyes? 2 points
Do you have a child/children under 16 with too high levels of cholesterol? 2 points

2. Clinical history

(The answer with the highest score counts)

Have you been diagnosed with premature coronary heart disease (men <55 years, women <60 years)?2 points
Have you been diagnosed with premature (men <55 years; women <60 years) cerebral or peripheral vascular disease?1 point

3. Clinical examination

(The answer with the highest score counts)

Have you been diagnosed with deposits in the tendons (so-called xanthomas)?6 points
Have you been diagnosed with deposits around the eyes <45 years?4 points

4. What is / was your cholesterol level (LDL level) before appropriate treatment?

(The answer with the highest score counts)

>8.5 mmol/l8 points
6.5–8.4 mmol/l5 points
5.0–6.4 mmol/l3 points
4.0–4.9 mmol/l1 point

If you have a result of >5 points, it is possible that there is a hereditary form of hypercholesterolaemia in your family. Discuss the situation with your attending physician. Referral to a human genetics consultation would be useful to determine whether genetic analysis is indicated or not.

Do not hesitate to call us on 044 511 39 11 or to write us an e-mail to hirslanden.precise@hirslanden.ch for an non-binging consultation.

If the result is between 0-4 points, the risk of familial hypercholesterolaemia is low but not excluded. Consider lifestyle changes, drug therapy, family testing and other measures to manage hypercholesterolaemia if diagnosed. It is best to discuss with your attending physician which examinations, measures, monitoring and at what intervals these should be carried out.

Would you like us to contact you for genetic counselling?

Fill out the form below:

You have the opportunity to register various requests or to provide us with information. We will use your personal data that you have entered only for the purposes mentioned by you or listed during registration. Your data will then be deleted as soon as possible unless we are legally obligated to store it. You will always have the right to information, rectification, restriction, data portability, objection, erasure and in certain cases the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority. You may revoke your consent at any time via the following e-mail address datenschutz@hirslanden.ch.

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Hirslanden Precise - genetic medicine
Forchstrasse 452 8702 Zollikon