- Swiss Medical Association FMH
- Swiss Society for Traumatology and Insurance Medicine SGTV (Treasurer 2004-2008, President 2012/2013)
- German Society of Trauma Surgery DGU
- Swiss Society of Surgery SGC
- German Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology DGOU
- Fellow of American College of Surgeons FACS
- European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery ESTES (Co-chair Section Skeletal Trauma and Sports Medicine 2013-2016; President elect 2016/2017; President 2017/2018; Past President 2018/2019)
- Association for Osteosynthesis AO Trauma (Member of the Executive Board AO Trauma Switzerland 2012-2018; Pelvis and Acetabulum Education Taskforce 2017-2019)
- Swiss Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology SGOT
- AO Spine
- Swiss Society for Spinal Surgery
- Doctors Association of Canton Zurich AGZ
Prof. Dr. med. Marius Keel
- Specialist in
specially: Traumatology Specialist
Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology - Interdisciplinary focuses
Interventional Pain Management (SSIPM)
Clinical Emergency Medicine (SGNOR)
Spine Surgery - Languages
- German, English, French
Traumatology centre Hirslanden
Core competencies
Traumatology (Emergency Surgery)
- Upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
- Pelvic ring
- Hip joint (hip joint socket (acetabulum), femoral head, femoral neck)
Spinal Surgery
- Traumatology of the entire spine
- Degenerative diseases (intervertebral disc disease, spinal canal stenosis, arthrosis of vertebral joints, spondylolisthesis)
- Defects in the lateral (sagittal dysbalance) or frontal (scoliosis) profile
- Infections (spondylodiscitis)
- Tumors (metastases, primary spinal tumors)
- Revision surgery after spinal operations (“Failed back surgery”)
- Second opinions and expert assessments after spinal interventions
Anterior and posterior open and minimally invasive (e.g. thoracoscopic) stabilizations, cervical and lumbar spinal disc replacement, vertebral column reconstruction, vertebro-/ balloon kyphoplasty (cementation of vertebral bodies).
Pelvic and Hip Surgery
- Traumatology of pelvic ring and hip joint
- Degenerative diseases (arthrosis of sacroiliac joints and hip joints, femoroacetabular impingement)
- Defects of pelvic ring (posttraumatic) and hip joint (dysplasia of hip joint or femoral neck)
- Infections of sacroiliac joint or hip joint
- Tumors (metastasis or primary tumor in the pelvis or hip joint)
- Revision surgery after pelvic and hip joint interventions
- Second opinions and expert assessments after pelvic / hip joint interventions.
Open and minimally invasive hip replacement (hip prosthesis), revision surgery after hip prosthesis (shaft and/or socket replacement), open and minimally invasive pelvic stabilizations, hip joint interventions (acetabulum reconstruction, corrective osteotomies of hip joint or femoral neck, open or arthroscopic corrections of impingement).
Professional career
- Apr 2017 - to date
- - Senior Consultant TraumaZentrum Hirslanden, Klinik Hirslanden Zürich
- Senior consultant for complex pelvic and spinal surgery: Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Insel Group, Switzerland (Prof. K. A. Siebenrock, MD) - May 2015 - Mar 2017
- - Chief physician for orthopaedic surgery, Tiefenau Hospital, Bern Insel Group, Switzerland
- Vice director and chief physcian for traumatology and head of pelvic and spinal surgery: Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Insel Group, Switzerland (Prof. K.A. Siebenrock, MD) - Aug 2012 - Apr 2015
- Vice chairman and head of trauma, pelvic and spinal surgery: Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. K.A. Siebenrock, MD)
- Nov 2010 - Jul 2012
- Senior doctor: Traumatology, Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. K. A. Siebenrock, MD)
- Nov 2008 - Oct 2010
- Senior physician: Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. K. A. Siebenrock, MD)
- Sep 2008
- Vice chairman and head of pelvic and spinal surgery: Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. P. Giovanoli, MD, medical director ad interim, Division of Plastic and Hand Surgery)
- Feb 2007 - Aug 2008
- Vice chairman and head of pelvic and spinal surgery: Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. O. Trentz, MD)
- Jun 2006 - Jan 2007
- Senior doctor and head of pelvic surgery: Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. O. Trentz, MD)
- Aug 2004 - Oct 2004
- Fellowships:
- Pelvic and Hip Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Good Samaritian Hospital, Los Angeles (J. Matta, MD)
- Traumatology, Department of Surgery, University of Southern California, LAC + VIC Medical Center, Los Angeles (Prof. D. Demetriades, MD) - Jan 2003 - May 2006
- Senior physician and trauma team leader: Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. O. Trentz, MD)
- Mar 2001 - Feb 2002
- Chief resident: Department of Surgery, Hospital Bülach, Switzerland (U. Neff, MD and R. Habegger, MD)
- Jun 1999 - Feb 2001
- Resident and chief resident: Department of Surgery, Hospital Männedorf, Switzerland (Prof. A. Hollinger, MD and A. Vollenweider, MD)
- Jan 1999 - May 1999
- Resident: Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. R. Stocker, MD)
- Jan 1995 - Dec 1998
- Resident: Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland (Prof. O. Trentz, MD)
Schools, university & degrees and diplomas
- 2009
- Professorship, University of Zurich
- 2003
- Lecturer for Surgery (Dysregulation of apoptosis of neutrophil granulocytes – importance of the immunological CHAOS after trauma), University of Zurich
- 1996
- Doctorate of Medicine (Behaviour of lymphocyte subpopulations during the first treatment weeks in patients of acute myelogenous leukemia), Prof. Dr. Ch. Sauter, University of Zurich
- 1994
- Final state exam, General Medicine, University of Zurich
- 1988
- Graduation, Cantonal School Sargans
Further information
Specialist title
2003 Swiss (FMH (Foederatio Helveticorum Medicorum)) Specialist in Surgery
2006 Swiss Specialist in General Surgery and Traumatology
2010 European Board of Surgery Qualification EBSQ Traumatology
2011 Swiss Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System
Proficiency Certificates
2009 Clinical Emergency Medicine (Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine SGNOR)
2010 Certified Medical Expert Swiss Insurance Medicine SIM
2012 Interventional Pain Therapy Swiss Society for interventional Pain Medicine SSIPM
Visiting Professor
Since 2008 Al Razi Orthopedics Hospital, Kuwait
Since 2013 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town,
South Africa
2003 Swiss (FMH (Foederatio Helveticorum Medicorum)) Specialist in Surgery
2006 Swiss Specialist in General Surgery and Traumatology
2010 European Board of Surgery Qualification EBSQ Traumatology
2011 Swiss Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System
Proficiency Certificates
2009 Clinical Emergency Medicine (Swiss Society of Emergency and Rescue Medicine SGNOR)
2010 Certified Medical Expert Swiss Insurance Medicine SIM
2012 Interventional Pain Therapy Swiss Society for interventional Pain Medicine SSIPM
Visiting Professor
Since 2008 Al Razi Orthopedics Hospital, Kuwait
Since 2013 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town,
South Africa
Practices at
Klinik Hirslanden
Partner doctor -
Hirslanden Klinik Im Park
Partner doctor