- Member of the Swiss Society for Vascular Surgery - SSCV
- Member of the European Society for Vascular Surgery - ESVS
- Member of the European Society for Haemodialysis Access - VAS
- Member of the Swiss Transplantation Society - SST
Professeur Jean-Marc Corpataux
- Specialist in
specially: Vascular Surgery - Languages
- French, German, Italian, English
Cabinet Prof. J.-M. Corpataux
+41 21 310 52 07
Core competencies
Management of vascular pathologies by endovascular technique, open surgery and hybrid techniques
Professional career
- 2015 - 2022
- Head of department of vascular surgery - CHUV, Lausanne
- 2011 - 2015
- Associate Professor department of thoracic vascular surgery - CHUV, Lausanne
- 2005 - 2011
- Associate lecturer - FBM, Lausanne
- 2003
- Senior lecturer and researcher - CHUV, Lausanne
Schools, university & degrees and diplomas
- 2004
- Certificate in clinical epidemiology - University of Lausanne
- 2003
- Title of specialist in vascular surgery - FBM, Lausanne
- 2002
- European diploma in vascular surgery - EBSQ-VASC
- 1997
- Specialist diploma in general surgery
- 1997
- Prix Anne Picot-Roux - FBM, Lausanne
- 1997
- ATLS diploma / ATLS instructor
- 1997
- Doctorate 'Discriminative value of the MEGX test in the evaluation of hepatic functional reserve'
- 1987
- Federal diploma in medicine
Practices at
Clinique Cecil
Partner doctor -
Clinique Bois-Cerf
Partner doctor